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Set Your Watches To Spring Ahead

This weekend you will lose an hour of your time... that is because Daylight Saving Time 2017 will start on Sunday, March 12, at 2 a.m. That's the bad.

The good is that we will finally gain a little more sunlight in our day. In fact, on Saturday, March 11, sunset is at 5:59 pm (EST) and on Sunday, March 12, it will set at 7 pm.

Spring Head

Thankfully, with many high-tech devices in our lives being automatically aligned, we don't need to worry about adjusting the time on our phones or computers, for example. But, we will need to do the manual reset on our traditional watches and clocks.

Germany was the first country to implement Daylight Saving Time in 1916. It was during World War I and the change was made to conserve electricity. In the United States, Daylight Saving Time was first established in 1918, although it is not currently observed in every state. Hawaii and parts of Arizona do not change times. Standard Time resumes on Sunday, Nov. 5.

Credit: Image by BigstockPhoto.com.