NOW OPEN at The Villa Menlo Park: The H. Moser & Cie. Boutique and our new Stephen Silver Fine Jewelry showroom. Plan Your Visit.

Estates, Appraisals,
& Valuation Services

Expert Jewelry, Gemstone, Timepiece, and Valuables Appraisals

Helping You Understand the Value of Your Jewelry

At Stephen Silver Fine Jewelry, our experienced appraisers and graduate gemologists are on a mission to help you better understand the value of your items, including jewelry, gemstones, timepieces, coins, silverware, flatware, and other valuables of all types and conditions.

We pride ourselves on offering a variety of expert appraisals for different situations. Whether you're simply curious to learn more about your item's history or need an official appraisal of replacement value for insurance, estate planning, or liquidation, our experts can assist.

Clients trust our meticulous appraisal process, grounded in painstaking research, prevailing market trends, historical context, and our own expert insights gleaned over decades as leaders in our field.

Expert Jewelry, Gemstone, Timepiece, and Valuables Appraisals for All of Your Needs

We evaluate and appraise single items or entire collections in our Silicon Valley showroom.

Our experts work closely with estates to appraise valuables, advise on distribution of assets, and as requested, and as requested, assist with liquidation. We can also work alongside your insurance agent, attorney, tax professional, or estate planners to meet your needs.

We look forward to connecting you with our house designers and bench jewelers to help redesign and repurpose items with your current lifestyle and tastes in mind.

Trusted, Easy, Secure, and Local to the San Francisco Bay Area

Inquire about Stephen Silver Fine Jewelry's appraisal services.