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This Holiday Season, Remember There's Nothing As Special As Giving The Gift Of Time

With Thanksgiving behind us and the holidays upon us, we want to start the busy shopping season with a few messages about taking time this month. There is nothing as special as giving or receiving the gift of time – something we all seem to have so little of.

Whether it is a dinner out, a few hours at a spa, or a small vacation — the concept is all about moments, relaxation and reflection. And another delight — and a great self purchase — that reflects how much your appreciate time is... a watch.

Not all watches are created equal. So, this month we will bring you some informative articles that will help you pick the right watch. Starting this week, we will publish blog items about noble metals, high-tech materials and complex functions in watches. We will also bring you news of the hottest timepieces on the market and of the most collectible.

We are always happy to talk with you in our store about timepieces and the news, but we know you are busy this season, too. So before the bustle gets the best of us, we want to wish you a glimmering holiday season and peaceful times.